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Spotty November News

With cobwebs dusted off from Halloween and Bonfire night a warm memory we enter November. Though it is cold outside the heat is on as Christmas draws ever closer and we all prepare for the busiest time of the year. Take a moment to catch your breath and find out what you have missed at Spotty Green Frog!


Seed Packet

Make Your Own Seed Packets

Stuck inside on a wet day? These seed packets are really fun to make and a great activity to share with children. In this article Laura takes us through how to make the packets and even provides a special Spotty template. What more could you possibly need?

Click here to find more articles like this!


Snails Coming to Spotty (Slowly)

Slimy snails are making their way onto Spotty Green Frog! The snails are known as Helix Aspersa Maxima and are actually edible! Don't worry though, we don't plan on eating them. Snails are really easy to keep so make a great pet for young children. The snails are due on the site very soon so watch this space!

If you can't wait that long have a look at our Guide for keeping snails as pets and F.A.Q's.


Louis the Frog Hops onto Twitter

Our resident frog Louis has finally discovered the Internet! Rather than croaking you can now find him Tweeting away on Twitter. He has made lots of new friends and is really enjoying the chance to be in the limelight.

Click here to follow our frog on Twitter and keep up to date with important news an updates. He is very friendly so why not send him a message too!

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