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Questions About Snails

Find all the answers to your questions about snails. Caring for pet snails is easy so long as you know the rules.

Inquisitive Snail

Q. Are snails safe for children?
A. Yes, always wash your hands after handling snails!

Q. What do snails need in their habitat?
A. Soil/compost, a small dish for food, calcium, a piece of bark to hide under (optional).

Q. How often should I feed my snails?
A. Once a day, replace old food daily.

Q. What do snails eat?
A. Vegetables and fruit: Lettuce, Apple, Carrot, Pear, Spinach, Cucumber, Courgette etc.

Q. Why is my snail eating it’s own shell?
A. Snails eat their own shells when there is no other source of calcium available. Give your snail more calcium.

Q. How often should I clean out my snails?
A. At least once a month.

Q. Do I need to clean my snail’s shell?
A. You can if you want… Be careful and use a damp cloth or gently brush with an old toothbrush.

Q. How wet should I keep the soil?
A. Moist but not soggy.

Q. What temperature should I keep my snails in?
A. Snails do well in the same room temperature which is cosy to us.

Q. How do snails adjust to changes in temperature?
A. If a snail is given enough time to adjust then it can adapt quite well to changes in temperature. If the changes are too swift then they can kill it.

Q. Is my snail a male or a female?
A. Both! Snails are hermaphrodite, male and female.

Q. Will my snails breed?
A. Yes, it is quite likely that your snails will breed.

Q. Do snails hibernate?
A. Yes, but snails kept indoors through winter may not.

Q. My snail is not moving, what should I do?
A. If the climate is too hot, cold or dry then your snail may be in hibernation or aestivation (similar to hibernation but normally in summer months). Leave your snail for as long as possible before disturbing it. If you are really worried after a few months then pick the snail up gently and have a look inside it’s shell. A snail in hibernation will be covered by a film of dried mucus called an epiphragm.

Q. How do I wake my snail up from hibernation or aestivation?
A. It is better not to! Snails come out of these states naturally in the wild so it is healthier to leave them to it.

Click here to learn more about caring for snails.


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