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Trifle Recipe for Children

This is a really easy recipe for children and also perfect if your cookery club has no oven. This trifle recipe only needs a few ingredients and has been sent in by Diane.


5 Sponge fingers/Fruit (do not use kiwi or pineapple, they will stop the jelly from setting) Jelly
Tin or carton of custard
100fl Double cream
Sprinkles/choc flakes


2 plastic bowls
1 Pint measuring jug

How to make

Put the jelly in the jug and pour over 1/2 pint of boiling water. Allow to melt and top up to 1 pint with water or fruit juice. (The jelly can be shared between 2 children)

In a bowl arrange the sponge fingers or fruit. Pour over half of the jelly and allow to set.

When the jelly is set pour over half tin or carton of custard. (This can also be shared between 2 children)

Pour the double cream into a bowl and whisk until soft and smooth. Spoon onto the custard and smooth over carefully.

Sprinkle 100's n 1000's or choc flakes over the top.

Refrigerate until time to eat!

Spotty Green Frog has a great selection of children’s cooking utensils and also offers packages for school cooking clubs.

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