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Hi,   Just wanted to say a big thankyou for all the gardening equipment we ordered. It all ar ...

Social Networks

St Nicholas Green Spaces Association

The St Nicholas Green Spaces Association sent us an update on how the tools they bought from us are helping them!

Sarah Chrisp recently bought some Children’s Gardening Tools from Spotty Green Frog to use in green spaces around the Brighton area.  The tools and equipment for this project have been funded by a grant from Southern Water.

We think this is a great way to help children get involved in greener living and look forward to seeing more photos soon!

If you would like to see more information on the St Nicholas Green Spaces Association then please follow the link.  You can also find out more from the Clifton Montipelier Powis Community Alliance.

St Nicholas Green Spaces Association


 Spotty Green Frog Facebook

         Visit our Spotty Green Frog Facebook Page!



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