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Rules for Tower Building Game

Garden Games for ChildrenThis simple guide on how to play tower games is specifically for the “Hi-Tower” from Garden Games but it can be adapted for other versions including Jenga.

Set Up

Take two wooden blocks and place them parallel to each other with a gap between them.  Take two more blocks and place them at right angles to the first two so that the base of the tower is a square.

These two layers cannot be removed during the game.

Continue building the tower but instead of two blocks a layer use three per layer.

Each layer is placed at right angles to the previous one.

How to Play

The players take it in turn to remove a block or brick from the pile and place it on top of the tower. 

Each layer can have no more than three blocks in it.

Blocks cannot be removed form the top two layers.

The Winner

The last player to place a block on of the tower before it collapses is the winner.

The person who made the tower collapse is the loser and must rebuild the tower for the next challenge.


Tower Garden Games for ChildrenThere are endless variations of the rules for tower building games.  These are just some suggestions.  Make up your own and send your best ideas to us at Contact Us.

1 Players can only use one hand to remove their block and place it on top of the tower.

2 A timer can be used to limit the length of time each player has to make a move.

3 When there are a lot of players, the players can be split into pairs.  One player from each pair removes their brick and the other player has to place it on the top.

4 The forfeit for losing can be varied e.g. doing the washing up, singing a song or telling a joke.


The Hi-Tower game from Garden Games is designed to fall over.  The blocks are large and heavy.  All players need to take care and younger children (under 8 years old) should only play with adult supervision.

To see Spotty Green Frog's full range of Tower Games click on the link.

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