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Just wanted to say thank you for the very speedy service, I ordered the costume Monday and the postm ...

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Let's Cook

Spotty Green Frog
Get Cooking!

Not every school has an oven for children to use. With help from teachers across the country, we have brought together a range of No Cook Recipes for Children which are ideal for use in cookery clubs and the classroom.

We still have space for more ideas – please send in your ideas and photographs to info@spottygreenfrog.co.uk. Thank you!


••• Apron & Starter Pack Offers •••

Baking Sets


Buy 6 baking starter sets and get 6 cow aprons for only £30 (usual price £44)


Buy in September and get 2 Baking Starter Sets FREE! saving £74.


We stock a wide range of cotton and wipe clean aprons for children from 3 - 14 years old. All aprons are available individually or in packs. Call 01962 889459 for further details.

Top Tip Wipe clean aprons save time on washing and ironing.


••• Aprons for Juniors Offer •••


••• Also Available •••

Also Available from Spotty Green Frog

Cheeky Monkey Aprons

Win Cheeky Monkey Aprons

In the nursery rhyme, what did the Queen of Hearts bake?

a) tarts
b) plum pie
c) cakes

Send your answer in to info@spottygreenfrog.co.uk together with the name of your school or nursery and your name by 5 October 2011 and the first correct answer out of the hat will win 6 Cheeky Monkey Aprons for your school or nursery.


Cooking Jokes for Children

What tables can you eat? Vegetables.
What did one tomato say to the other? Don’t wait for me, I’ll ketchup.
How do you make a milk shake? Give it a good scare.
Why did the salad blush? It saw the tomato dressing.
What do you call a nervous celery stalk? An edgy veggie

Yogurty Pots and Stuffed Pittas

Yogurty Pots

1/2 pint clear plastic cups
Large tubs of yogurt (plain or flavoured)
Coco pops/rice krispies
Mixed dried fruit
Fresh soft fruit (or frozen) i.e. blackberries, strawberries or blueberries.

Put a level tablespoon of coco pops, rice krispies or cocoa pops into the bottom of your clear cup. Spoon the yoghurt onto the top.

Finish off with your fresh or dried fruit. Make as many layers as you like, they look great. A lovely breakfast or a wonderful dessert!

Stuffed Pittas

Mini pitta pockets
Baby leaf spinach
Black olives
Cherry tomatoes
Carrots (grated)

Set all your ingredients out on the table. Everyone has their own plastic plate. The children can then choose what to put into their pitta pocket.

A great way to talk about healthy eating and to introduce new food to the children to try.


We have an active Facebook page with a growing community of teachers. Please go to Facebook and look for Spotty Green Frog. Get Early Bird notice of our competitions which are posted on Facebook.

Payment on Invoice

Spotty Green Frog provides specialist products to primary schools and nurseries. Our service is tailored to the needs of schools with payment on invoice and telephone support. Express delivery is available for urgent orders.

All Offers End 30th September 2011

Call us on 01962 889460 or email info@spottygreenfrog.co.uk with queries or to place an order.

Spotty Green Frog - www.SpottyGreenFrog.co.uk - caroline@spottygreenfrog.co.uk - 01962 889460
2 Hinton Fields, Kings Worthy, Winchester, SO23 7QB

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