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Fruit Coleslaw and Fruit Kebab Recipe

Cooking Class of St Combs Primary SchoolThe children of the St Combs Primary School cooking class in Aberdeenshire had an end of term extravaganza. The children made quiches, pizzas, fruit coleslaw and potato salad. For dessert the children prepared chocolate pizza, fruit kebabs and tasty cupcakes.

As a reward the headmaster presented the children with certificates, a good time was had by all!

Fruit Coleslaw

Half white cabbage
420g tin fruit cocktail drained and chopped
2 carrots grated

Fun had by all!Shred cabbage add fruit ,carrot and mayonnaise.

Mix well till all ingredients are well coated.

Fruit Kebabs

Plastic skewers
strawberries grapes

Serve with melted chocolate drizzled over or plain yougurt mixed with coconut.

Spotty Green Frog sells children’s cooking equipment for schools and kid’s baking sets. Click on the links to view our products.

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