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Social Networks

Writing Competition for Children


Tell Me More!

"I’m Louis the Frog and I’m inviting boys and girls across the country to write a story about me.  Shouldn’t be too hard – I’m a pretty interesting frog with lots of lovely friends!  There are different types of stories depending on your age and, if you are too young for school, you can just draw a picture and send that to me instead.  If yours is one of the best stories, you will win a prize for yourself and for your school."

So What are the Prizes?

£100 for your school to spend at www.SpottyGreenFrog.co.uk plus a prize for you if you win a category.

£25 for your school to spend at www.SpottyGreenFrog.co.uk plus a prize for you if you are runner up in a category.

Best illustrations and best handwriting – a surprise!

What Do I Have to Do?

It is as easy as hopping!  If you are in reception or above, write a short story. For nursery it is just a picture.

• Nursery – Louis the Frog – picture only!
• Reception – Year 1 – Louis the Frog has an Adventure
• Years 2 – 3 – Louis the Frog Plays a Joke
• Years 4 – 6 – Louis the Frog – a Mystery Story

Notes for Parents and Teachers

The stories are short stories of any length.  They can be handwritten or typed. By all means help the children with spellings and, for the youngest children writing where necessary, but the stories must be in the children’s own words.  Please use A4 paper – portrait or landscape.  It is a story writing competition but there will be extra prizes for illustrations and handwriting.  Illustrations are not compulsory.

What is the Closing Date?

31 March 2012

Entry Form

Click here for Children’s Story Writing Competition Entry Form to print or use the following entry form for submitions by Email

Where Do I Send My Entry?

To me, Louis the Frog, at:
Story Writing Competition Entry
Spotty Green Frog
2 Hinton Fields Kings Worthy
SO23 7QB

OR email your entries to info@SpottyGreenFrog.co.uk (MS Word doc, PDF or scanned image)

So Louis, What are You Going to Do with Our Stories and Pictures?
Good question.  I love stories and pictures so I want to use them to decorate my website - see more here!   I am also going to ask my lovely assistant Laura to read some of them out whilst I video her.   We can then put these ones up onto both YouTube and my website.  I also Tweet (@SpottyGreenFrog), you know, and I have my own Facebook page.   So for teachers and Mums and Dads there will be bits about the stories there.   Ask your teacher to check whether we have mentioned your school.   Ribbit! Ribbit!


Open to UK residents only
No more than 2 entries per child
Judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into
Prizes sent to UK addresses only
No cash substitutes for prizes

Entries so Far

Take a look at the fantastic Children's Writing Competition Entries that we have received so far by clicking the link. 

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