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Personalised Books FAQs

These personalised books FAQs include information on how to create your personalised story.  If you have any further queries please phone Spotty Green Frog on 01962 889460 or contact us by email.


How do I create my personalised novel?

In your book creation pack you will receive a list of the characters whose names you can change.  They will be changed throughout the book.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to create a dedication to go at the front of the book.

When you have decided what to do, go to the website detailed in your book creation pack, register and complete details of your characters and dedication.

As an alternative, you can send your registration through the post.  It is, however, quicker to register online.

How long does it take for me to receive my personalised book?

These will be dispatched within 28 days from the date of registration. Occasionally, factors outside of the publisher’s control, may affect delivery times.


Persinalised Books

It is less than a month before I want to give this gift.  What can I do?

If you want to give your friend or family member a completed book, you need to plan ahead.  As an alternative, you could give the recipient the chance to create their book themselves by sending them the registration pack.  This gives them the chance to choose which of their friends they would like to include within the book.

Once registration is complete, the personalised novel will be posted out within 28 days.

How long do I have to register my gift?

You need to register your gift before the expiry date on your gift registration booklet. We recommend that you register your gift as soon as possible.

Do I have to replace all of the suggested character names?

No. If you do not want to replace all characters you do not have to. Any character that you do not replace will keep their original name.

Can I alter the sex of the characters I want to replace?

You can if you wish but we do not recommend doing this. This is because only instances of the name itself are substituted, not references to ‘he’ or ‘she’. If you were to substitute a male character with a female name, references to ‘he’, ‘his’ or ‘him’ would remain. This could make your Personalised Classic confusing.

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