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Peach Smoothie Recipe

Ingredients for 2 people

1 peach
1 small pot peach yoghurt (125g)
200ml milk (or soy milk)

You will need

Blender OR smoothie maker
Measuring jug
Chopping board
Sharp knife
Cups to serve


Place your peach onto the chopping board and carefully start to cut it in half. You won’t be able to cut right through as there is a stone inside the peach, so just cut around the stone.

Twist each half of the peach in opposite directions and pull apart. So you now have two halves of a peach. One half will still have the stone in.

Scoop out the stone using the spoon (or clean fingers). If your peach is ripe this should come out easily. It doesn’t matter if you squash the peach a little as it is going to be blended.

Peel off the peach skin using clean fingers. Throw away the skin and the stone.

Chop up the peach into around six or eight pieces.

Use the measuring jug to measure out the milk.

Open your pot of yoghurt and put the milk, yoghurt and peach into your blender or smoothie maker and put the lid on securely.

Plug in the blender or smoothie maker and blend for around 10 seconds until there are no lumps of fruit left.

Pour into your cups

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