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Caroline, Just wanted to thank you for your efforts with regard to the baking set. The replacement ...

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Katie’s Egyptian Day at School

Usually a request from school to provide a dressing up costume for one of my children sends a shiver down my spine. Do I head for eBay and buy some badly made costume which may not survive the day or do I bite the bullet and attempt to make something myself?

Well, all of that has now changed. Have I bought a sewing machine? Have I signed up for an evening class entitled “How to Turn Your Child into a Donkey”? No, no and no again.

The solution was simple. We started selling quality dressing up clothes on Spotty Green Frog and now every fancy dress request is an opportunity to test and review one of our products.

So when Mr MacDonald from Prince’s Mead School asked Katie to turn up yesterday wearing a fancy dress outfit for an Egyptian day, I was delighted. We did agonise over whether she should go as Cleopatra (always an argument for starting at the top!), Tutankhamun or in one of the stripy numbers. Katie went for stripes.

The outfit is ideally for children around 140 cm in height. Katie who is a tall 7 year old is a bit under that and the tunic was just short of the floor. Had she been much shorter I would have had to head out and get some of the iron on hem tape to take it up few centimetres. Or perhaps I would simply have chopped the bottom off.

Had she been taller or larger round the waist, there would have been no problem. The fit is loose and would clearly work for lots of different sizes and shapes of kids. At a guess from 7 to 11 years old.

Katie wore the Egyptian dressing up outfit for an incredibly busy day – she made olive oil, carved soap, played the part of a servant in a play, ate Egyptian food and much, much. In the breaks, she went out into the playground and school woods. After school she wore her costume to art club.

I’ve just popped it in the washing machine – as good as new.

So come on Mr MacDonald, what’s next?

Dressing Up in Egyptian Outfits

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