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Insalata di tomate, avocado et mozzarella

Bridget and Julie have kindly shared this tasty Italian recipe with Spotty Green Frog.

This traditional Italian dish is known as Tricolore' -the red tomatoes, the white Mozzarella cheese and the green of the avocado or basil leaves representing the three colours of the Italian flag. It is high in vitamins and essential polyunsaturated oils.


Serves 4
4 large ripe tomatoes
1 large ripe avocado
8 oz (225 g) Mozzarella
2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
1/2 teaspoon caster sugar
8 fresh basil leaves for garnish


2 tablespoons virgin olive oil
Freshly milled black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon dried oregano

Wash, core (if necessary) and slice the tomatoes and sprinkle them with the vinegar and sugar. Slice the Mozzarella thinly and set aside.

To halve the avocado, make a deep encircling cut from the neck down to the base and back up to the neck. Sharply twist the avocado to separate the two halves. Remove the stone but keep it! Carefully cut the skin from each half. Then cut the flesh into lengthwise slices.

Arrange the various slices in a large dish, alternating red, white and green colours. Place the reserved stone onto the dish (this will stop the avocado going black.) Mix the olive oil, black pepper, salt and oregano in a small bowl and sprinkle the dressing evenly over the dish. Garnish with the basil leaves.

Cover and chill in fridge until needed. Remove avocado stone before serving.

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