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Colouring Competition for Children

The Spotty Boxes Colouring Competition is now closed. Thank you for sending us your lovely pictures!

Spotty Boxes is pleased to announce its first children’s colouring competition for individuals and schools.

Enter this children’s colouring competition and win prizes for you and your school or playgroup/nursery.  This is the first of Spotty Boxes’ childrens colouring competitions and the prizes are fabulous.  Click to see our garden picture for you to colour.  Closing date 30 April 2009.

Simply colour in the garden picture, fill in the entry form and send it to us by post or email.  We will put up as many of the pictures as we can on our Colouring Competition Gallery.  For full details go to Children’s Colouring Competition. 

You could win:

4 years and under

First Prize

A blue garden tool kit for you

and £100 for your school/playgroup/nursery to spend at www.SpottyGiftBoxes.co.uk

Merit Prizes

A green pouch tool kit with blue tools for you. 

and £25 for your school/playgroup/nursery to spend at Spotty Boxes

5 – 7 year olds

First Prize

A garden kit with spade for you

and £100 for your school to spend at www.SpottyGiftBoxes.co.uk

Merit Prizes

A green pouch tool kit with blue tools for you

and £25 for your school to spend at Spotty Boxes

8 – 11 year olds

First Prize

From the Joseph Bentley Gardener’s Apprentice range, for you

and £100 for your school to spend at www.SpottyGiftBoxes.co.uk

Merit Prizes

A towel & fork set for you

and £25 for your school to spend at Spotty Boxes

Click to enter the Spotty Boxes Children’s Colouring Competition.


There are two pages to the entry form – the picture and the entry details.  If the children colour the pictures in at school can you please send home the entry details for parents/guardians to complete so that we have permission to put the pictures up on our website.  Thanks



  1. Entries from UK residents only.
  2. Closing date 30 April 2009.
  3. Age for entries calculated as at 30 April 2009.
  4. Sorry but we cannot return pictures.
  5. Judges decision is final.
  6. No correspondence relating to the judges decision will be entered into.
  7. Prizes are as stated.  No substitutions are permitted and no cash is available.

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